By Michael
The latest newsletter from Reimagining Politics is about the five week old shutdown of the US government vs. the endless political creativity of citizen activists worldwide.
Just as importantly, it is about a global collapse of political legitimacy. This collapse brings with it the eclipse of foundational civilizational values of both the East and West. The irony is that we live in a world full of citizen-driven political solutions that are largely ignored.
That is why I am writing a new book titled From Shamans to Scientists that shares inspiring stories of citizen innovation worldwide. The book shines a light on the many ways we can rebuild our atrophied civil society and create a new paradigm to bring accountability to the nexus of parties, plebiscites and big money.
Nor should we overlook the inevitability of profound change that is already underway driven by Millennials and so called “Gen Z” political actors. They represent 25% of the US population and are now old enough to run for president.
A new in-depth poll from Pew Research finds that large majorities of these two generational cohorts distrust both parties, want activist government, embrace racial & gender diversity, want more women in office and are deeply alarmed by climate change, which they overwhelmingly see as being caused primarily by human activity.
All of this and much more is in From Shamans to Scientists, which is my invitation for you to join me on a continuing journey of political discovery and adventure unlike any other.
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