New articles published in English & Spanish – Politics as Consumerism & Rewriting the US-México Narrative after El Paso

By Michael Meurer, August 20, 2019

Politics as Consumerism

The displacement of meaningful civic engagement by political consumerism and lurid media spectacle is suffocating U.S. democracy. My recent article published at Truthout deconstructs the way this permanent multi-billion dollar election spectacle works and explores what we can do about it.

The article was translated to Spanish and republished at the Montevideo Portal in Uruguay, where I am a US columnist.

Rewriting Trump’s Reductive Mexican-American Narrative after El Paso

As both a US citizen and a legal resident of México, the August 3, 2019, massacre of 22 people at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas by a 21 year old white nationalist echoing the anti-Hispanic hate speech of President Donald Trump is doubly heartbreaking for me because my life and closest friendships are divided between the two countries.

My analysis of this lethally reductive narrative and the path forward from the perspective of a dual resident was published by Resiliente Magazine in México City in both Spanish and English.

It was republished in slightly edited form by the Montevideo Portal a few days later.

The stubborn reality of shared US-México history is not going to change. What must change instead is the depth of our understanding regarding the enormous diversity and cultural importance of our Mexican neighbors.